解决Debian 11 apt-get更新 404 错误
更新debian apt-get update一直报错: root@Bser8608377298916:~# apt-get update Ign:1 http://security.debian.org bullseye/updates InRelease Err:2 http://security.debian.org bullseye/u...
Office 365 A1 Unlimited subscribe Unlimited user Lifetime Global Premium Super Admin
Online shop: https://store.163.al/ Provides a free online version of Office. Office 365 A1 cannot be used with the Microsoft 365 Apps product for Community Connect 4 (CC4) as it d...
Google Workspace 全局管理员是什么
Google Workspace是什么? Google Workspace是Google于10月6日宣布的G Suite改版后新名称。Google将原本包含企业信箱Gmail、Google日历、Google云端硬碟及Google协作文件等办公云端软体G Suite...
微软发布PC健康检查应用程序,查询检测自己的计算机是否能运行Windows 11
微软Windows 11发布会正在进行中,与此同时官方今天发布了一个名为PC Health Check的新工具。在每一个大版本的Windows系统发布前,微软都会提供这样的工具来协助用户完成升级。这个新的PC健康检...
基本要素:(没达到就没必要进行下一步) 满18 人脸识别 主力手机号 个人身份证 最新版的护照 智能手机且具有NFC功能 请在正常法定工作日申请(错开APP更新维护期间即可) 可以适量的金额存款(...
Telegram iOS 官方原生客户端进入 Apple 限制群(开车群)的方法
解除限制的操作方法: 1, 四个方式开启: 方式a:打开 Desktop 电脑桌面客户端, 左上角三短线: 设置→隐私安全→开启'显示含有敏感内容的媒体' 方式b:打开 macOS 电脑桌面客户端: 设置→隐私安全→...
Microsoft 365 Business Basic 20 users
If you want know more ,Please contact Telegram: Torrye Skype : Start Skype text chat Email : [email protected] lifetime. 20 users online shop: https://store.16...
Information about Office 365 education plans which include support for Microsoft 365 Apps
Introduction Microsoft® 365 Apps is licensed as a subscription service from the Microsoft 365 tenancy. This article lists the Microsoft 365 education plans which include support f...
How to fast create Microsoft office A1 or A1 PLUS Trial Global Administrator Account
At fist,you need already have an A1 or A1 PLUS or E5 account. Click this link: https://aad.portal.azure.com/#blade/Microsoft_AAD_IAM/ActiveDirectoryMenuBlade/Overview Follow the pi...
G Suite/Workspace for nonprofits & Ad Grants Lifetime Global Premium Super Admin
shop: https://store.163.al/buy/11 This product sells G Suite EDU super admin, which means you can create unlimited users, you’re the biggest guy except google ! Please go to h...
How to check Your Microsoft Office A1/A1 PLUS Organization created time and Country or region location
In this article,You will know How to check Your Microsoft Office A1/A1 PLUS Organization created and Registration location. 1.Sign in thie website https://admin.teams.microsoft.com...