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解决Debian 11 apt-get更新 404 错误
更新debian apt-get update一直报错: root@Bser8608377298916:~# apt-get update Ign:1 http://security.debian.org bullseye/updates InRelease Err:2 http://security.debian.org bullseye/u...
Special offers! $250 New G Suite/Google Workspace EDU/education Lifetime Global Premium Super Admin
Special offers!Google Workspace EDU $250 Oneline shop: https://store.163.al/buy/8 Introduction This product sells G Suite EDU super admin, which means you’re the biggest guy exc...
2023最新Telegram电报改成中文版界面及汉化教程 简体中文语言包
Telegram不管PC端还是IOS/ANDROID端的APP默认是英文的,没有中文选择,这对我们中国人特别不习惯,简单几步的方法我们就可以把语言设置问我们熟悉的中文了。 重要的事情说三遍,安装telegram AP...
2023最新注册土耳其AppleID 充值里拉购买低价会员
土耳其ID两种方式: 如果长期使用,建议尽量不要购买成品号,特别容易被封,推荐自己注册。 直接注册土耳其ID,付款方式选择 无付款方式 土区?那里可以说仔细一点,先注册国区账号,进商店随便...
Microsoft 365 Business Basic 20 users
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How to set up send an email with Amazon SES
Amazon Simple Email Service (SES) is a cost-effective email service built on the reliable and scalable infrastructure that Amazon.com developed to serve its own customer base. Wit...
Selling new/Old G Suite/Google Workspace EDU/education Lifetime Global Premium Super Admin Account
Oneline shop: https://store.163.al Introduction This product sells G Suite EDU super admin, which means you can create unlimited users, you’re the biggest guy except google ! P...
Get out of AWS SES Sandbox and Increase Send Limit and/or Send Rate 2023
In this article, we will walk you through the steps of requesting Amazon to get you out of the Sandbox, enable sending and increase the sending limit of your AWS SES account. Bef...