How to check Your Microsoft Office A1/A1 PLUS Organization created time and Country or region location
In this article,You will know How to check Your Microsoft Office A1/A1 PLUS Organization created and Registration location. 1.Sign in thie website
Netcup成立于2008年,德国老牌主机服务商,自有机房。目前的业务范围比较广泛,包括VPS,独服、虚拟主机,域名注册等。价格比较实惠,尤其他的RS系列机器性能非常好,称得上是小独服(vds)。 N...
香港区外区Apple ID注册流程教程
步骤一(浏览器操作): 1.使用浏览器访问, 点击右上角 创建您的 Apple ID链接,打开注册页面 2.填写姓名、出生日期、邮箱、密码等信息,国家或地区选择香港, ...
How do create API to keep you microsoft 365 admin account safe
If your administrator is locked,you can used API unlocked again. sign in with the administrator account in homepage, click Azure Active Directory,Follow my pi...
G Suite EDU Super Admin Latest quotation
Unlimited google drive Unlimited shared drive Gmail service (if you open that service) Rest of other GSuite service we all have Telegram:
How to set up send an email with Amazon SES
Amazon Simple Email Service (SES) is a cost-effective email service built on the reliable and scalable infrastructure that developed to serve its own customer base. Wit...
Google requiring all G Suite legacy free edition users to start paying for Workspace this year
In 2020, G Suite became Google Workspace as part of a mass reorganization of the company’s apps for the “future of work.” Various plans were migrated over, and Google is now f...
Debian10 开启 BBR 加速
Debian10 默认的内核就是 4.19 版本的内核而且编译了 TCP BBR 模块,所以可以直接通过参数开启。 开启方法:执行以下命令 echo net.core.default_qdisc=fq >> /etc/sysctl.conf echo net....
WordPress WooCommerce不显示价格 不显示购物车按钮
不显示价格 不显示价格,去掉价格字段即可 把代码放在主题的functions.php下 //Hide price add_filter( 'woocommerce_get_price_html', 'woocommerce_hide_price' ); function woocommerce_hide...
CloudFlare 添加域名显示 is not a registered domain的解决方法
新注册的域名,注册的时候直接把dns修改到了CloudFlare的DNS 然后在CloudFlare添加域名的时候提示 is not a registered domain。 具体原因不详,开始以为是注册后需要时间。等了两...
有些VPS主机默认情况下为了安全,只能在实例面板SSH登录,不能直接使用Root用户登录,这样有时候需要做什么,都得多走几步切换,有点不方便。所以教程如下: 第一步:从实例登录SSH后,...
在访问 YouTube 时经常会觉得封面图不错,那么如何获取对应的高清图呢?其实仅需通过替换如下中的 Video ID 即可<insert-youtube-video-id-here>/maxresdefa...