Telegram iOS 官方原生客户端进入 Apple 限制群(开车群)的方法-G-Suite

Telegram iOS 官方原生客户端进入 Apple 限制群(开车群)的方法

解除限制的操作方法: 1, 四个方式开启: 方式a:打开 Desktop 电脑桌面客户端, 左上角三短线: 设置→隐私安全→开启'显示含有敏感内容的媒体' 方式b:打开 macOS 电脑桌面客户端: 设置→隐私安全→...
G Suite EDU Super Admin Latest quotation-G-Suite

G Suite EDU Super Admin Latest quotation

  Unlimited google drive Unlimited shared drive Gmail service (if you open that service) Rest of other GSuite service we all have Telegram:
CloudFlare 添加域名显示 is not a registered domain的解决方法-G-Suite

CloudFlare 添加域名显示 is not a registered domain的解决方法

新注册的域名,注册的时候直接把dns修改到了CloudFlare的DNS 然后在CloudFlare添加域名的时候提示  is not a registered domain。 具体原因不详,开始以为是注册后需要时间。等了两...
Google requiring all  G Suite legacy free edition  users to start paying for Workspace this year-G-Suite

Google requiring all G Suite legacy free edition users to start paying for Workspace this year

In 2020, G Suite became Google Workspace as part of a mass reorganization of the company’s apps for the “future of work.” Various plans were migrated over, and Google is now f...
Onedrive容量扩容 1T 修改 为5T-G-Suite

Onedrive容量扩容 1T 修改 为5T

修改 Onedrive容量 1T 修改 为5T 登录管理员帐号 打开 修改默认的onedrive 1024 为 5120 已创建用户修改 现在可以直接在后台进行修改,不用pow...
WordPress WooCommerce不显示价格 不显示购物车按钮-G-Suite

WordPress WooCommerce不显示价格 不显示购物车按钮

不显示价格 不显示价格,去掉价格字段即可 把代码放在主题的functions.php下 //Hide price add_filter( 'woocommerce_get_price_html', 'woocommerce_hide_price' ); function woocommerce_hide...
Information about Office 365 education plans which include support for Microsoft 365 Apps-G-Suite

Information about Office 365 education plans which include support for Microsoft 365 Apps

Introduction Microsoft® 365 Apps is licensed as a subscription service from the Microsoft 365 tenancy. This article lists the Microsoft 365 education plans which include support f...
Selling new/Old G Suite/Google Workspace EDU/education Lifetime Global Premium Super Admin Account-G-Suite

Selling new/Old G Suite/Google Workspace EDU/education Lifetime Global Premium Super Admin Account

Oneline shop: Introduction This product sells G Suite EDU super admin, which means you can create unlimited users, you’re the biggest guy except google ! P...
How do create API to keep you microsoft 365 admin account safe-G-Suite

How do create API to keep you microsoft 365 admin account safe

If your administrator is locked,you can used API unlocked again. sign in with the administrator account in homepage, click Azure Active Directory,Follow my pi...
Office 365 A1 Unlimited subscribe Unlimited user Lifetime Global Premium Super Admin-G-Suite

Office 365 A1 Unlimited subscribe Unlimited user Lifetime Global Premium Super Admin

Online shop: Provides a free online version of Office. Office 365 A1 cannot be used with the Microsoft 365 Apps product for Community Connect 4 (CC4) as it d...
How to check Your Microsoft Office A1/A1 PLUS Organization created time and Country or region location-G-Suite

How to check Your Microsoft Office A1/A1 PLUS Organization created time and Country or region location

In this article,You will know How to check Your Microsoft Office A1/A1 PLUS Organization created and Registration location. 1.Sign in thie website
Set the default storage space up to 5 TB for OneDrive users-G-Suite

Set the default storage space up to 5 TB for OneDrive users

For most subscription plans, the default storage space for each user's OneDrive is 1 TB. Depending on your plan and the number of licensed users, you can increase this storage up t...