How do create API to keep you microsoft 365 admin account safe

If your administrator is locked,you can used API unlocked again.

sign in with the administrator account

in homepage, click Azure Active Directory,Follow my picture.

1.Click Azure Active Directory

图片[1]-How do create API to keep you microsoft 365 admin account safe-G-Suite

2.Follow my picture:

图片[2]-How do create API to keep you microsoft 365 admin account safe-G-Suite

3.Follow my picture:

图片[3]-How do create API to keep you microsoft 365 admin account safe-G-Suite

4.You’ll get some information you need.

Copy this information and save it in your computer notepad

图片[4]-How do create API to keep you microsoft 365 admin account safe-G-Suite

5.Click Certificates & secrets

图片[5]-How do create API to keep you microsoft 365 admin account safe-G-Suite

6.Create your certificate key

图片[6]-How do create API to keep you microsoft 365 admin account safe-G-Suite

7.You’ll get some information you need.Copy this information and save it in your computer notepad.

图片[7]-How do create API to keep you microsoft 365 admin account safe-G-Suite

8.Click API permissions,Follow my picture.

图片[8]-How do create API to keep you microsoft 365 admin account safe-G-Suite

9.Click Microsoft Graph,Follow my picture.

图片[9]-How do create API to keep you microsoft 365 admin account safe-G-Suite

10.Follow my picture

图片[10]-How do create API to keep you microsoft 365 admin account safe-G-Suite

11.Add these need add all these permissions

API name function
Application.ReadWrite.All Functions for adding new keys
Application.ReadWrite.OwnedBy Functions for adding new keys
Directory.ReadWrite.All Functions for subscription, domain and user management
RoleManagement.ReadWrite.Directory Used for management of privileged roles
User.ManageIdentities.All Management for users
User.ReadWrite.All Management for users
Reports.Read.All Used to generate Onedrive, Exchange detailed report
Sites.FullControl.All Used to verify SPO
Domain.ReadWrite.All Used for domain management

for example:

图片[11]-How do create API to keep you microsoft 365 admin account safe-G-Suite

12.Click:Graant admin consent for xxx

图片[12]-How do create API to keep you microsoft 365 admin account safe-G-Suite


图片[13]-How do create API to keep you microsoft 365 admin account safe-G-Suite

The end:

If the account is locked in the future, if you don`t know how can unlock,you can contact me to unlock it for free.

Telegram: torryer


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