搜索[office 365],共找到18个文章
Office 365 A1 1k 1000 user subscribe Lifetime Global Premium Super Admin
Office 365 A1 1k 1000 user subscribe Lifetime Global Premium Super Admin
Set the default storage space up to 5 TB for OneDrive users
For most subscription plans, the default storage space for each user's OneDrive is 1 TB. Depending on your plan and the number of licensed users, you can increase this storage up t...
Office 365 A1 Unlimited subscribe Unlimited user Lifetime Global Premium Super Admin
Online shop: https://store.163.al/ Provides a free online version of Office. Office 365 A1 cannot be used with the Microsoft 365 Apps product for Community Connect 4 (CC4) as it d...
Information about Office 365 education plans which include support for Microsoft 365 Apps
Introduction Microsoft® 365 Apps is licensed as a subscription service from the Microsoft 365 tenancy. This article lists the Microsoft 365 education plans which include support f...
Office 365 (A1 Plus) Lifetime Global Premium Super Admin
Online shop: https://store.163.al/ Introduction This product is legally available from Microsoft through our educational institutions, and we sell redundant administrator accounts...
国际版Office365 Onedrive容量 1T 修改 为5T,老帐号不删除重建
现在可以直接在后台进行修改,不用powershell 了,使用管理员账户登录。 https://admin.microsoft.com/Adminportal/Home?source=applauncher#/users 1、修改 Onedrive容量 1T 修改 为...
Office 365世纪互联版OneDrive增加容量修改为5T扩容教程
首先按照文档中的内容,下载sharepoint online 的模块 点此下载 安装完后后,打开“SharePoint Online Management Shell”, 进入PowerShell操作: 如果你OneDrive的url为https://orgname-my.sha...
Office 365 (A1 Plus) 教育版全局管理员
1W订阅数 A1P全局管理员 购前可联系我咨询 联系方式: 1 Email: [email protected] 2 电报/Telegram:https://t.me/torryer 3
Office 365 (A1 Plus) 教育版全局管理员1000订阅数
1000订阅数 A1P全局管理员 购前可联系我咨询 联系方式: 1 Email: [email protected] 2 电报/Telegram:https://t.me/torryer 3
Office365 onedrive世纪互联版官方购买地址、客户端下载
Office365世纪互联版官方购买地址: 此链接里购买的Microsoft 365/Office365,是由世纪互联版运营的。 https://www.microsoft.com/zh-cn/microsoft-365/compare-china-global-versions-microsoft...
关闭取消微软Microsoft Office 365 A1/A1P/E3/E5的MFA多重身份验证验证
https://portal.azure.com/#blade/Microsoft_AAD_IAM/ActiveDirectoryMenuBlade/Properties 管理账号登陆这里,最下边的“管理安全默认值”,点击,改成否即可
世纪互联 Microsoft 365 免费试用入口以及优缺点介绍
2012 年底,微软同世纪互联宣布签署了战略合作,达成协议。由世纪互联在中国国内运营、搭建 Windows Azure 和 Office 365。 由于微软网站比较乱,长时间搜索后,都无法找到世纪互联 Microsoft 3...